Rugs by Colour

Explore our collection of purple rugs available in various sizes, perfect for every room in your home.

Achieve a harmonious and earthy ambiance in your home with our green rugs.

Embrace sleek and contemporary design with our modern minimalist black rugs.

Choose from a variety of sizes in our cream rug collection, ensuring a perfect fit for any room in your home.

Brown rugs that effortlessly blend with any decor or style.

Choose the ideal size for your room from our range of grey and silver rugs, available in various dimensions to suit your needs.

Explore our collection of rugs showcasing a stunning array of vibrant orange shades to enliven your space.

Embrace a trendy and chic interior with our ochre rugs, perfect for modern home decor.

Explore the harmony of texture and tone with our on-trend beige rugs, creating a calming and inviting atmosphere.

Experience plush comfort with our luxurious red shaggy rugs, perfect for sinking your feet into after a long day.

Discover contemporary chic with our modern pink rug designs, blending style and sophistication.

Dive into the world of abstraction with our abstract multicolour rugs, a fusion of colors and shapes that spark conversations.

Find the perfect fit for your space with our blue rugs available in an array of sizes, from small runners to large area rugs.

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Traditionally rugs were only ever seen inside the home, but the outdoor rug is now a must-have for your garden, patio, decking, conservatory or balcony. Position your outdoor rug under your garden…

Furniture, or simply place a few chairs or cushions around it for instant glamour and comfort. Then once the seasons turn, bring your rug indoors as a detailed addition to your kitchen, hall or children’s room. Who doesn’t love a multi-functional rug!

Want to know more? Read our guide which helps answer all your outdoor rug related questions, including what is an outdoor rug.

Outdoor Rugs advice from the Kukoon Rugs team:

Measure your patio or decking area, to determine the size of space you want to cover with your rug. We have a large range of sizes to choose from.

If you are looking to place your garden table on the rug, order a size large enough to extend beyond the table legs.

Take the plunge and go for some colour! Outdoor spaces are the perfect place to start experimenting with brighter colours and prints.

If you need any style advice, just contact our customer service team who would love to help you!